Coming Soon:
______’s Studio Album

Exciting news! We’re preparing to record our upcoming studio album with an awesome studio and producer in Boston, MA!

Over the next few months, we’ll be preparing a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds we need to make this happen. This will involve creating a web page where people can learn more about our project and make contributions to help fund the recording expenses for this new album.

That's where you come in.

After researching successful campaigns, we’ve learned that friends and family play an important role in getting these projects off the ground. Your support early in the process will help inspire a bigger response from our community-at-large once we start promoting our campaign. In other words, to make sure this campaign is successful, we need your help. While we’re not collecting actual donations yet, we’re reaching out to a few of our biggest and closest supporters to secure the seed funds we need to ensure our campaign is successful.

Please click Make Your Pledge above to let us know how much you plan to contribute when our campaign launches in the coming months. Any support is greatly appreciated!